Priston Tool

ver: 3.0.2

Priston Tool is a mod manager for the game Priston Tale. This only customizes client files for better fps and artwork. This tool does not give any advantage to the player. This only adds quality of life improvements and does it the most simple way. Not all mods are created by me and all content is free to use for the community.

Install Directions

You must have at least
.Net Framework 4.8 installed.
If you have a previous version of the tool, please uninstall it first.
Unzip zzPTtool and open folder.
Run zzPTtool.exe as administrator.
Select all your mods you want enabled.
Change the "Game Folder" location by clicking on the big yellow button.
Click on "Apply Patches", and run game.

Happy gaming!

PT Tool Patch Notes

3.0.2 - 18 JAN 2025
- Added Dagony, Titome flags
3.0.1 - 25 DEC 2023
- Added Lunatic, Amentia 2-H sword cape fix
3.0.1 - 16 MAY 2023
- Added Lunatic, Amentia flags
- Added Crafting Recipes for Weapons and Armor
3.0.1 - 31 DEC 2022
- updated build number
- added fix for NPC Barba in Ricarten
- Fixed Armor Retexture for Mage
3.0.0 - 23 DEC 2022
- added new boss item flags to equipment>boss page
3.0.0 - 22 DEC 2022
- added xmas flags to events>misc page
3.0.0 - 16 DEC 2022
- added eoa flag icon to show the types available for each
3.0.0 - 15 DEC 2022
- fixed issue with HoF Ghost Monster Mod
- added flags for commemorative coin and mana ice
3.0.0 - 11 DEC 2022
- this version is for EPT Server
- introduced new tool version
- new design and menu system for the PTtool
- added new drop flags
- added armor skins
- added function to save and load tool settings

2.7.3 - 05 MAR 2022
- Replaced inventory pages in tool to match current UI

2.7.3 - 23 OCT 2021
- added "Unhide Files" button in Fixes> General tab

2.7.3 - 23 OCT 2021
- added "Unhide Files" button in Fixes> General tab

2.7.3 - 17 OCT 2021
- added ghost monsters for HoF, fixes> monsters>
- moved Applied! text lower and to the right, Game Folder path text up and to the left to prevent overlap.
- moved event items into .7z files to reduce file size and simplified code

2.7.2 - 20 SEP 2021
- fixed issue with login screen, fixes> general> "Fix Login" changed to checkbox.

2.7.1 - 18 SEP 2021
- Added Drop Flags for Vertex Defense items.
- Moved Tab Fixes> General and added fix login button.

2.7 - 11 Jul 2021
- Added 7zip extractor and libraries.
- removed need for installer and "zzPTtool" folder can be anywhere; just run "zzPTtool.exe".
- Added "Game Folder" button to point to the path you installed Pristontale.
Set your "Game Folder" before applying patches.
- Simplified some internal coding, this will be a longer project to fully complete.
The intent is better delivery of mods and make updates easier.
- Flags added:
Events> Misc tab - "Bait"
Equipment> Armor & Subs tab - "Wyvern" to "Abyss"
-(updated) Added fix> weapons> claws "Flame - Abyss" to make them smaller.

2.6.1 - 09 Jul 2020
- Added "English"/ "Brasilian Portuguese" language options to installer.
- Fixed tab key select to go in a better order.
- Added On/ Off/ Reset buttons for "Euipment" flags and "Item Shop" flags.
- (BPT) changed "cinzento" trade menu to now read "Troca"

2.6 - 01 Jul 2020
- PT tool now has a version select for "EPT" and "BPT".
This will allow for future support to other versions of the Pristontale client.
- Age Meter version 2 has been added and is easier to see "age number" while aging.
- New Cursor "Apocalypse" by MR GRiM
- Changed dropdowns on flags from "flag/ unflag" to "on/off"
- "Change all buttons"(on/off/reset) to Monster Skills, Flag Sheltoms and Runes.
- Optimized (interface) file structure for future updates.
- Simplified program code to reduce errors and makes updates easier.
(BPT ver.)
- Translated "BPT" version with the help of Legordo86.
- Added Mods by ThreeMinutes4Play.
- Converted all older interface related mods to align better with BPT.

2.5.1 - 09 Jun 2020
- Added 116 - 120 Javelin Fixes.
- Added Bigger Sword mod.
- Added hold fix for 100 and 120 Dagger.
- Added Mod for Pikeman Assasin's Eye.

2.5 - 04 Jun 2020
- Added "Fixes > Player> Masks"
This new mod will allow the player to add a face mask to their character and others.

2.4 - 2 Feb 2020
- Added "Fixes > Player> EZ Buff Icons"
This makes the timer easier to see and the icon easier to read.
- Added Fix for shared Vanish buff icons
Pikeman, Mechanician and Priest have buffs that share the same icon.
This will replace files with new icons for Regeneration Feild and Completion.
- Simplified Weapon fix tab
- Combined all 2 Handed Sword (80D to 125) fixes into 1 dropbox.
- Added 2 Hand Sword fix for Abyss Sword.
This rotates the angle of the sword back 15 degrees to prevent cape clipping.
-Added 2 Handed Flame and Verus Staff fixes.
Rotated 15 degrees to prevent clipping.


Land of the Nureun Remake

This is includes HD textures.
Fixed floor textures and path issues.
To install, unzip, open folder for either "new" or "old", copy "Field" to "Pristontale" folder.

Ricarten Re-Textured

Version 1.0

This re-texture of Ricarten updates buildings, floors and plants.
The textures used are borrowed from other in-game files.
To install, copy "Field" to "Pristontale" folder.

Version 2.0

This is known as the HD Ricarten Map.
The textures are crisp and high quality.
To install, unzip, copy "Field" to "Pristontale" folder.

SoA and ToA Remake

This is includes HD textures.
Fixed lighting and path issues.
To install, unzip, copy "Field" to "Pristontale" folder.

Heart of Fire Remake

This is includes HD textures.
Fixed lighting and path issues.
To install, unzip, copy "Field" to "Pristontale" folder.

Crystal Nest Remake

This is includes floor texture only.
Fixed lighting and path issues.
To install, unzip, copy "Field" to "Pristontale" folder.
Crystal Nest Picture

Secret Lab Re-Textured

This re-texture of Secret Lab updates floors, walls and lava.
Many textures used are free use and not of my own.
To install, copy "Field" to "Pristontale" folder.

Male (Green) Santa Armor/ Robe - Camouflage

Updates texture for Male version of Green Santa Armor/ Robe.
To install, copy "char" to "Pristontale" folder.
Original is also available in zip file.

Death Ray

Recolor of Magician skill "Death Ray"
This contains original, blue and red colors.
To install, copy "Effect" to "Pristontale" folder.

Energy Shield

Recolor of Magician skill "Energy Shield"
This contains original, blue and red colors.
To install, copy "Effect" to "Pristontale" folder.


Re-skin of Pikeman skill "Tornado"
This contains original, sunburst and blocky files.
To install, copy "Effect" to "Pristontale" folder.